Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I'm learning so much

Now I'm having fun! I've been reading up on Library 2.0 and finding out about Blogs and Flickr and Podcasts and Gaming ....... all sorts of things. I'm quite excited. I tried a portrait of myself in the Pop Art style of Andy Warhol (Flickr) but it didn't look too good. I'm vain so I won't put it on my Blog. Anyway have to go I think I hear dinner


familytrees said...

I bet your dog is learning more than me! This is all a bit Narcissistic! Deleted my previous comment as I made a "typo" (as I couldn't find a spell check).

Sara said...

Well I think I have learnt how to put links in http://youtube.com/watch?v=aqEaWvfBoLc&mode=user&search=
but let's just if this one works

Jon said...

Ooh I just want to scratch your dogs ears, very cute.